Free professional development opportunity for #SCartists

Access online learning from top universities

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Monday, September 20, 2021

The South Carolina Arts Commission and Kadenze unveiled a new partnership this week to provide #SCartists valuable access to more than 3,000 hours of online learning from top universities worldwide.

The partnership seeks to answer three questions #SCartists might have:

  • Do you find it difficult to access professional arts learning?
  • Are you a beginning, emerging, or mature artist or teaching artist?
  • Are you looking for personal and professional development to propel your arts career forward?

Kadenze has an extensive catalog of fully online learning. Their goal is to teach the art and science of creativity at a price point that is affordable to everyone.

To that end, the first 100 artists, teaching artists and arts administrators in South Carolina can register to be granted open and unrestricted access to the course catalogue free of charge for a three-month period. Extend your arts skills and knowledge by studying from more than 35 courses.

Visit the partnership landing page to learn more and register today. The deadline to take advantage is coming soon: Monday, Sept. 20.