What is The Hub?
The South Carolina Arts Commission has launched The Hub to promote all that is special about the arts in the state. The Hub features arts news and opportunities, resources, calls for art, research, events and more. Join us on The Hub by submitting news and story ideas for consideration, commenting on posts and sharing Hub posts via social media.
“The Hub is a one-stop shop where readers can find real-time news, events and resources they need to participate in and learn about the arts in South Carolina. We want to help residents and visitors find arts activities, direct artists and arts organizations to opportunities, and let our citizens know they can be proud of our state’s contributions to the arts. In fact, we want the world beyond our state’s borders to know that South Carolina is a place where the arts can and do thrive.” – Ken May, Executive Director, S.C. Arts Commission
One Hub feature, “Experience the Arts in SC,” offers a Google map of the state with arts venue locations, making it easy for readers to find places to enjoy the arts.
The Hub does not replace the Arts Commission’s current website, rather it serves as a portal to the main website, to the agency’s Arts Daily calendar and to websites of other organizations. Hub posts are a mix of original content, news gathered from other sources and items submitted by readers.
We’re happy to see you on the Hub and hope you’ll stop by often!