Tuning Up: Google Doodle for S.C. student? + Awards Day gallery
Good morning!
“Tuning Up” is a morning post series where The Hub delivers quick-hit arts stories of interest to readers. Sometimes there will be one story, sometimes there will be several. Get in tune now, and have a masterpiece of a day. And now, in no particular order…
- Moncks Corner 6th-grader Olivia Lumsden is competing in the 2018 Doodle for Google contest. She could become one of five national finalists for the chance to have her art featured on Google.com, win scholarship money and more. To see her doodle, learn more, and vote for her, check out this story from WLTX.com.
- For those of you who don’t follow SCAC on Facebook, late yesterday we shared an image gallery showing selected photos from South Carolina Arts Awards Day, which was one week ago.