The economic impact of South Carolina’s creative industries
How many dollars are generated by the creative industries in South Carolina? How many jobs are supported?
The answers can be found in “South Carolina’s Creative Cluster: A Catalyst for Economic Development.” This 12-page report presents results from a study of the creative economy associated with the arts, design, craft and related activities in S.C.
This activity revolves around a “creative cluster,” or set of interrelated industries, that thrive together. Researchers at the Darla Moore School of Business at USC analyzed 2008 data from the U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, to develop the report. Dr. Doug Woodward, director of the Division of Research at the Moore School, wrote the report.
The major finding? Creative enterprise in the state has a core impact of $9.2 billion and 78,682 jobs and a full impact of $13.3 billion and 107,614 jobs.
The report can be downloaded from the South Carolina Arts Commission’s website.