Summer Arts Ed Project grant deadline coming fast
Fund projects for learners from 3K to 12th grade
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Monday, December 16, 2024, 11:59 p.m. ET
The deadline to apply for the South Carolina Arts Commission Summer Arts Education Project grants is coming up next week.
These grants let you apply for up to $15,000 in support of quality arts education programs occurring during the summer of 2025 for preschool (3K-4K) and/or K-12 students between school years.
Eligible to apply are both traditional providers (arts organizations) and other organizations (e.g., social service, health, community, education) that utilize (or want to) the arts to meet the educational, developmental, and social needs of preschool (3K-4K) and/or K-12 students.
Examples of eligible activities include, but are not limited to:
- Workshops.
- Camps.
- Artist residencies.
- Public art projects.
- Performances.
- Exhibitions.
- Acquisition of critical equipment or supplies.
- Program planning.
- Professional learning for instructors, artists, and/or administrators.
Use the grant to fund materials, scholarships, staff salary, and other critical expenses.
Read the full guidelines for details (and to apply).