Sessions for everyone at the Statewide Arts Conference!

Update: Richard Evans’ session (mentioned below) is now full. Conference registrants will receive information about the waiting list.
The Statewide Arts Conference taking place Sept. 18 at the Columbia Conference Center is chock full of opportunities to learn from experts and network with colleagues. For less than $100, you’ll have access to the kind of high-quality professional development usually found at regional and national conferences — and you don’t even have to leave the state!
The conference features not one, but two highly sought-after keynote speakers. National Book Award-winning poet and S.C. native Nikky Finney will kick off the conference, and Richard Evans of EmcArts will talk about adaptive change and innovation during lunch. Richard will also present a daylong session targeted at arts organizations and the complex changes we’re facing. Space is limited in this interactive session and seats are going fast; everyone who registers for the conference will receive details about signing up for Richard’s session.
Registration is just $98 per person, or $88 per person if you and a colleague register at the same time.
Session highlights (find complete details online.)
For artists:
- Making Your Life as an Artist: A Guide to a Balance, Sustainable Artistic Life
- Practical Legal Tips for the Creative Person
- A Life in the Arts: 10 Big Ideas on Career and Financial Success
- Roundtable discussions/short sessions with Artists U facilitators
For everyone:
- Creating and Cultivating the Agriculture and Art in Your Community
- The Arts and Social Change
- Creativity + Community: Leveraging Change for Good
- Developing Community Partnerships for Arts Education
- Everyone Tells Our Story But Us – Toward Authenticity in Artistic Presentations
- Now Tweet This: Online Marketing is Here to Stay
- Accessibility and New Audiences
Plus, explore program and funding opportunities from South Arts and the Humanities CouncilSC and get technology assistance through our curbside consultant.
Read more details about the sessions and register today!