Early birds get the best rate for Statewide Arts Conference!

It’s back! The South Carolina Arts Commission’s biennial Statewide Arts Conference is scheduled for Sept. 18, and registration is now open! Take advantage of the early bird rate of $78 and register before Aug. 1. The conference takes place at the Columbia Conference Center from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m.
We’re gearing up for an outstanding conference around the theme of CHANGE – acknowledge, anticipate, adapt. Change can transform and improve a situation, or it can wreak havoc with lightning speed if you’re unprepared. Come learn from those who have successfully managed the challenges and the opportunities of change. Sessions will include topics of interest to artists, arts organizations and community partners. Here’s just a sample of what’s in store:
- Real-life tales of surviving change – planning for major transitions and managing the results
- Sustainable and profitable artistic practices – learning from the common behaviors of successful artist entrepreneurs
- Moving arts education forward in S.C. – why artists, arts organizations and community partners all have roles to play
- Stimulating development and attracting visitors – is your community a cultural district in the making?
- And much more!
Join your colleagues from around the state and enjoy a full day of professional development and networking.
Find more information and register online.