Tuning Up: S.C. Cultural Districts, Canvass forum in the news

Good morning! 

“Tuning Up” is a morning post series where The Hub delivers curated, quick-hit arts stories of interest to readers. Sometimes there will be one story, sometimes there will be several. Get in tune now, and have a masterpiece of a day. And now, in no particular order…

Programs and initiatives led by the South Carolina Arts Commission received prominent mention in the news over the past few days, so we wanted to share.

‘The cool side of the river’: Art helps drive revitalization of Cayce, West Columbia (The State)

Cayce and West Columbia are using art to refresh key parts of their cities, attract public and private investment, and make their cities more appealing to residents and visitors. But can they succeed while avoiding the pitfalls bigger cities have struggled with?

The idea is that by devoting space and money to the arts, these cities can become magnets for new business, growth, tourism and revenue …

The story went on to talk about creative placemaking and discussed South Carolina Cultural Districts, of which there are currently eight. Read Isabella Cueto’s full report here. (Subscription might be required.)

Rock Hill public forum makes the news

Last week’s public forum for Canvass of the People 2020 made it onto CN2 news, which covers Chester, Lancaster, and York counties on Comporium Cable. SCAC Executive Director David Platts was interviewed.