S.C. State Fair makes call for art

Enter your blue-ribbon photography, quilts and 2-D or 3-D art

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Friday, September 1, 2023

You might go for the funnel cakes, cotton candy, corn dogs, or Fiske fries, but the art will make you stay.

The South Carolina State Fair is gearing up for the 2023 iteration Oct. 11-22 in Columbia, and it recently opened up all competitive exhibitions. That includes entry possibilities in the following competitions:

  • Fine Art (professional and amateur divisions): photography, 2-D, and 3-D art
  • Home & Craft: fabrics and threads, hobby crafts (e.g. quilting) and aged-based categories
  • Student Art (K-12 students in S.C. public, private, or home schools, aged 18 and under): photography, 2-D, and 3-D art

The links above include guidelines and instructions on submitting your work(s) for judging. The deadline to enter is Friday, Sept. 1, 2023.

Real talk: The Hub’s mother took home a blue ribbon some years ago for her raisin puff cookies. It is displayed proudly in her home to this day. That could be YOU. Click those links!

This year, more than $300,000 in premiums will be offered for award-winning exhibits in agriculture, art, home and crafts, flowers, livestock and more, per the fair. Around 450,000 people attend the S.C. State Fair each fall, so it’s great exposure … and fun.

The competitions page is here, and the S.C. State Fair home page is here.