Grants Roundup: Deadlines for the Week of April 13

Though far from the only thing, grants are among the main things we do here. Because of their importance in our work, and what they mean to so many of you, The Hub wants to help keep Arts Commission grants top-of-mind and reduce the number of times people say, “If only we’d known about (X or Y) grant!”
We can’t reach everybody, but we can try. On Mondays* with deadlines on the horizon, “Grants Roundup” highlights first what grants are due that week and then includes what’s coming later in increments.
*The Roundup might run on Tuesdays when state holidays occur on a Monday.
Ed. note: As information becomes available on grants from the S.C. Arts Commission for COVID-19 emergency relief, that information will be posted here on The Hub, the SCAC’s Facebook page, and distributed via email (sign up here).
This week
These are to serve mainly as final reminders to finish in-progress applications. Most grant applications simply cannot be undertaken well in this short a time frame. Consult an appropriate member of our team with questions.
- n/a
Next week
- n/a
Next 30(ish)
- May 1: Subgranting (limited eligibility)
Rolling Deadlines
These S.C. Arts Commission rolling deadline grant programs are temporarily suspended to focus our efforts on supporting grantees during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Arts Project Support GrantsPresenting and Performing Arts Initiative GrantsAccessibility Grants*Teacher Standards Implementation Grants
*Accessibility Grant applications are no longer being accepted for FY2020 (July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020). For projects occurring in FY21 (July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021) the application will be available in mid-April.
Important Notes
- You are encouraged to also consult the SCAC grants page for up-to-date information on all grant deadlines (subject to change) and deadlines for non-grant programs.
- For next steps, grant guidance, and more information, consult the appropriate member of our team if you are an artist or represent local organizations, an educational institution, or a non-arts business or organization offering arts programming.
- Speaking of team members, this is just a reminder that we have an entirely new constituent service model in place. No more county coordinators!