Arts Daily / Chautauqua History Comes Alive Festival: Mary Shelley, in Simpsonville

Chautauqua History Comes Alive Festival: Mary Shelley, in Simpsonville

The free Chautauqua History Comes Alive Festival presents Mary Shelley, portrayed by Susan Marie Frontczak.

Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein, poses the question: What if someone discovered the secret to creating life? It explores the ramification of such a discovery: Are we capable of managing our technological creations? What responsibility (if any) do we hold in caring for abandoned or wronged members of society? The big reveal in learning about Mary Shelley is to discover how much the story of the fantastical, wretched, hideous creature brought to life in a Swiss laboratory draws on or parallels Mary’s experience in England as an intelligent daughter of two notable middle-class authors and the consort/wife of an aristocrat poet.

Seating is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Doors open at 1 p.m. for the 2 p.m. show; come early to get a seat.