Arts orgs: report your COVID-19 impact to AFTA

Submissions can be updated

Via our partners at the South Carolina Arts Alliance:

Handwashing art by Amiri Geuka Farris

Handwashing art by Amiri Geuka Farris

Americans for the Arts has created an easy survey for all arts groups to submit their expected impact from the COVID-19 outbreak.

Please fill this survey out as you are able. You may re-submit as new information is provided or decisions are made for your organization at a later date as well.

This data is VITAL is helping the SCAA, and Americans for the Arts, position the arts to have a stronger seat at the table as local, state, and federal governments work towards solutions and support for the economy.

For arts-centric resources on COVID-19 and the arts, see the S.C. Arts Commission’s resources page.