Apprenticeship for craft arts studio management

Contemporary Craft Windgate Studio Apprentice

Arizona desert landscape with a bright blue sky, a tall cactus in the foreground, and a mountain in the background

Get hands-on experience learning how to manage studio arts programming through the paid, year-long Windgate Studio Apprenticeship at Arizona State University in Tempe.

One of the nation’s only non-profits focusing exclusively on creation, exhibition, and education across all craft media, Contemporary Craft focuses on engaging the public in the creative experience through contemporary craft. This opportunity will provide the apprentice with real-world experience working in a professional craft education setting, while providing opportunities to work alongside nationally and internationally recognized artists.

To ensure a comprehensive experience the apprentice will work closely with the director of education and residencies and exhibition manager. The selected candidate will receive housing in the Artist Residency House and access to CC’s Studios outside of regular work hours to facilitate the creation of their own body of work. CC’s studios are specifically equipped to accommodate artists focusing on fiber arts, metals, book/paper arts, and mixed media.

During the yearlong apprenticeship, CC staff will work to enhance the employability of the apprentice by providing experiences to become a well-rounded teaching artist along with the skills needed to navigate the intricacies of a nonprofit environment, and fostering opportunities to network across the field of craft and the broader arts community.

Ed. note: A deadline was not provided with this submission and attempts to find it were unsuccessful. The Hub encourages interested parties to seek clarification through the ASU Art Museum/Windgate Contemporary Craft.