Mad Century Studios and the House of the Improbable
Mad Century Studios and the House of the Improbable is an oddities museum and public folk art environment just minutes away from downtown Greenville… It features a collection of wonders and mysteries as well as an interactive folk art environment that grows and changes as the public interacts with it… Mad Century Studios and the House of the Improbable is run by the artists of the Laughing Warrior Brigade, a collective of activist artists who have been active in the Southeast and National protest scene for several years working with local organizations such as the Unitarian Universalist Church of Spartanburg and Upstate Food Not Bombs along with National Organizations such as the Poor People’s Campaign… Mad Century Studios is the home base of the Laughing Warriors but also an extension of the work that the Warriors have done for several years, utilizing the power of art, radical joy and mutual care to bring greater human connection…
More info can be found on Facebook @LaughingWarriorBrigade