Tuning Up: S.C. Humanities honors Goldstein, others
Good morning!
“Tuning Up” is a morning post series where The Hub delivers curated, quick-hit arts stories of interest to readers. Sometimes there will be one story, sometimes there will be several. Get in tune now, and have a masterpiece of a day. And now, in no particular order…
Governor’s Awards in the Humanities. Yesterday, S.C. Humanities held a luncheon in honor of four distinguished new recipients of the Governor’s Awards for the Humanities:
- Anne Cleveland, director of the Charleston Library Society;
- Bobby Donaldson, historian and educator;
- Cecil Williams, celebrated South Carolina photographer;
- and Sara June Goldstein, literary arts advocate and member of our team at the S.C. Arts Commission.
We’re so proud of Sara June’s exceptional work and that she received this honor. Here she is with Kim Shealy Jeffcoat (left), chairwoman of the S.C. Humanities Council; and Tommy Windsor (right), director of boards and commissions in the governor’s office.
We’re down for this always. Just gonna leave this right here.
Evergreen (for now): Time is running out!
Nominations for the Elizabeth O’Neill Verner Governor’s Awards for the Arts (right) are due Thursday, Nov. 8. All it takes to start the process of awarding an artist, arts organization, business or foundation, government entity, individual, or arts educator/institution one of these prestigious awards for significant contributions to the arts in South Carolina is one letter. Don’t wait. Find out more now! (Noms for the Jean Laney Harris Folk Heritage Awards are due at the same time. Here’s info on those.)
- Applications for $5,000 individual artist fellowships are also due Thursday, Nov. 8. Unrestricted awards will honor achievement in visual arts, craft, music composition, and music performance. Don’t miss out!