SC high school students invited to enter short film competition

SC high school students invited to enter short film competition

Submission deadline is Oct. 1.

The Columbia Jewish Film Festival invites South Carolina high school students (grades 9-12) to compete in a short film competition. The film festival is seeking student filmmakers with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Filmmakers do not have to be Jewish to submit an entry. Films in any genre will be accepted, (e.g., fictional, documentary, news story format), using the theme Identity: It’s All About Me! Students are invited to explore this theme as a way to promote dialogue while addressing issues that are at the forefront of today’s headlines.

A panel of judges will chose the winning films based on creativity, overall quality and production, and execution of the film based on the theme. Presentation of awards and screening of the winning films will be held at the Nickelodeon Theater in Columbia on November 6 at 3 p.m.

Prizes of $500, $300 and $200 will be awarded. The submission deadline is Oct. 1.

Complete guidelines and the application form are available online.

For more information, contact Patty Tucker,