Wheel Throwing 102 with Tuula Widdifield – August 2020

The Columbia Art Center, City of Columbia Parks & Recreation, offers Wheel Throwing 102 classes throughout the year, in four-week courses meeting Wednesdays from 3 to 5pm. With instruction by Tuula Widdifield, this is a refresher for anyone who has taken at least one throwing class. (This course is not suitable for beginners; class time will not be spent on throwing basics.) Participants will be making simple forms: cups, bowls, plates and a candle holder. The focus of will be on using repetition to enforce basic skills, trimming, foot rings and rim decorations. Minimum enrollment for each course is three; maximum is six. The registration fee of $60 covers instruction and other operating costs; students must supply their own pottery tools (or purchase a tool kit for $10). For the class beginning August 5th, the registration deadline is July 22nd.