The Pirates of Penzance Auditions

Midlands Light Opera Society is holding principal auditions and chorus sign-ups for The Pirates of Penzance on Monday, December 2 at 6:30 p.m. with callback auditions on Monday, December 9 at 6:30 p.m., both in the choir room of St. John’s Episcopal Church (2827 Wheat St, Columbia).
The performance will be staged May 15-18 at First Christian Church (2062 N Beltline Blvd).
Those wishing to audition for a principal role should prepare a song or aria from a golden age musical or operetta in English, provide sheet music for the accompanist, and be prepared to read from the script. While no audition is required for chorus members, we ask potential chorus members to come out on December 2 to complete their sign-up form and meet the creative team. Our chorus is open to all ages and experience levels. If you are interested in participating but are unable to attend on December 2, please email us at
Director – Susan Scaccia
Musical Director – Ronnie Wise
Accompanist – Ashleigh Morse
Choreographer – Leighton Mount
Producer – Evelyn Clary
Fight Choreographer – Roddey Smith
Stage Manager – Hollie Smith