Arts Daily / The Palmetto Mastersingers “Homecoming” Holiday Concert (Sunday Concert Series)

The Palmetto Mastersingers “Homecoming” Holiday Concert (Sunday Concert Series)

The Broad River Arts Center is pleased to once again have the Palmetto Mastersingers perform on the BRAC stage at 4 p.m. on Sunday, December 1.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” This ancient proverb is a timeless principle. Organizations, businesses, projects and events are the realization of someone’s vision. The Palmetto Mastersingers, organized in 1981 by Dr. Arpad Darazs, then director of choral studies at The University of South Carolina, is the realization of his vision. He saw the wonderful possibilities of a men’s chorus to provide an opportunity for men from all walks of life who love to sing together; but, he saw the greater purpose of the rich service such a group could provide to many people enhancing the cultural life of the community.

The Palmetto Mastersingers. South Carolina’s Musical Ambassadors. Dr. Benjamin Stogner, Artistic Director.