Arts Daily / Say What?! Features EyeAmBic & Open Mic at Coffee Underground

Say What?! Features EyeAmBic & Open Mic at Coffee Underground

Say What?! is at Coffee Underground on Sundays. The February 4 poetry open mic will feature EyeAmBic. Host: Your Favorite Murse. All poetry styles welcome. The night will also feature poetry games, fun, and a full night of open mic slots for local poets on a first-come, first-serve basis. Open mic poets may read/recite one poem.

Known in the spoken word world as “EyeAmBic,” Angelo Geter is an award-winning poet, educator, author, and performance artist based in Rock Hill, SC.

Produced by Wits End Poetry. Coffee Underground. Doors open at 7 p.m.

Only 40 tickets for sale via Eventbrite. Entry is only guaranteed to those with advance tickets. Non-sold-out shows have tickets for sale at the door via credit card, Cashapp, Paypal, or cash.