Rodin: Contemplation and Dreams
Rodin: Contemplation and Dreams
Selections from the Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Collections
February 19 – May 15, 2022
Auguste Rodin saw the body as an envelope for the human spirit. The poses of his figures and the flickering surfaces of the modeled forms capture the human condition in all of its elation and anguish.
Rodin holds a prized place in the history of art, straddling the decades of the late 19th and early 20th centuries when the world was striving for a new, modern form of expression. In Rodin: Contemplation and Dreams, visitors can immerse themselves in the works of this artistic giant.
The title of this exhibition comes from Rodin himself, who said that artworks “open before us an enchanted land of contemplation and dreams.” Visitors will learn about his processes for modeling and casting as they explore more than 40 examples of the artist’s bronze sculptures.
This exhibition has been organized and made possible by the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Foundation.