Arts Daily / Renaissance Rarities – Choral Gems from Across the Continent

Renaissance Rarities – Choral Gems from Across the Continent

A Free Concert

St. Clare of Assisi
990 Etiwan Park St, Charleston, SC 29492
March 10, 2024, 3 p.m.

Join The King’s Counterpoint in March as we present Renaissance Rarities – Choral Gems from Across the Continent

From the chapel to the court to the marketplace, music was fundamental to Renaissance life across Europe and abroad. Join KCP for our first event at the beautiful St. Clare of Assisi on Daniel Island, where we’ll explore some of the rare (and maybe a few familiar!) choral compositions from this incredible period in history!

This is a Free Concert Event, presented as part of King’s Counterpoint’s Community Outreach initiative. A freewill offering will be taken on the day of the concert, and donations will be gratefully accepted at any time. Thank you for supporting KCP!