Arts Daily / “Plarn” Crocheting – One Day Workshop – Jan-Mar 2020
“Plarn” Crocheting – One Day Workshop – Jan-Mar 2020
The Columbia Art Center, City of Columbia Parks & Recreation, offers one-day workshops in which Instructors Brenda Oliver and Bohumila Augustinova will teach you how to crochet “plarn” (plastic yarn) to create portable sleeping mats for the homeless as part of Operation Bedroll. Materials will be provided. Students will need to bring a size Q crochet hook. This is part of a collaborative effort to provide portable sleeping mats to the over 200 chronically homeless in the Midlands. Class limited to minimum 3 and 15 maximum. There are no fees but you must be registered. Workshop dates are January 9th, February 11th, and March 17th.