Opening Reception | Only You Can Prevent A Forest

Join the Halsey Institute on Friday, August 26 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. to celebrate the opening reception of our next exhibition, Kirsten Stolle: Only You Can Prevent A Forest. Using appropriation, wordplay, and humor, Kirsten Stolle co-opts advertising strategies used by agrichemical corporations to resurface and critique company history. For her exhibition, Stolle created photo-based collages, visual poetry interventions, text-based sound animation, a neon wall piece, and her first site-responsive sculptural installation. Building upon her decade-long research into companies like Bayer/Monsanto and Dow Chemical, the work will forefront historical ties to chemical warfare and reveal persistent greenwashing.
Free for CofC students, faculty, and staff, and current Halsey Institute members. Non-members will be asked for a $5 donation.
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