Mounds, Mortars and Mysteries: Native American Society in the Wateree Valley
The Horry County Museum and the AVX Foundation present Mounds, Mortars and Mysteries: Mississippian Period Archaeology in the Wateree Valley – A.D. 1200-1670, July 10th at 1 p.m. Antiquarians and archaeologists have been investigating the Native American societies living along the Wateree River since the early 19th century. A concentration of mounds, artificially constructed monuments of earth, were noted here in one of the earliest publications on the archaeology of the United States in 1848, yet we still have only scratched the surface. Recent investigations combined with a synthesis of all known information has led to a more informed understanding of these vibrant societies just prior to European contact and colonization. This slide illustrated lecture will share information on the sites, artifacts, foodways and the rich culture of South Carolina Native Americans.