Free Chautauqua Festival – Robert Kennedy
Robert F. Kennedy performed by Jeremy Meier. Outdoors, bring lawn seating
When one hears the name Kennedy, most think of JFK or maybe even Jackie. But it was serious young Bobby Kennedy who faced off with Jimmy Hoffa and the Teamsters during the Rackets Committee hearings of the late 50s and who, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, possessed a dissenting voice to which the President was open to listening.
When we think of the 60s, we hear his brother, JFK’s challenge: “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.”
RFK took up that gauntlet. He was 36 when he became the U.S. Attorney General. At 40 he was elected U.S. Senator and soon started his Presidential campaign. At 42 he was assassinated. What might have been, had he finished the race?