Arts Daily / Documentary Film: South Carolina Ghosts & Legends Vol. III

Documentary Film: South Carolina Ghosts & Legends Vol. III

The 2023 Horry County Museum Documentary Film Series continues with South Carolina Ghosts & Legends Vol. III. This 30-minute film explores two famous ghosts with roots on Pawley’s Island, “The Gray Man” and “Alice of the Hermitage.” The program also investigates “Bubba the Ghost” at the South Carolina State Museum and the ghosts of the University of South Carolina’s Longstreet Theatre. The Carolina Stories crew travels to Charleston to unearth tales of buried treasure and other legendary pirate stories.
The free screening begins at 1 p.m., Wednesday, October 25, at the Horry County Museum, located at 805 Main Street in Conway.

The Horry County Museum Documentary Film Matinees will continue throughout 2023. For a list of films, visit our website at

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