Dis/placements: Revisitations of Home
Dis/placements: Revisitations of Home is an online exhibition featuring 10 artists whose works deal with issues of displacement from their ancestral homeland in various capacities. Through the Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art at the College of Charleston, artists were paired with writers who offer their own reflections on the work and its relationship to the concepts of home and displacement. When taken together, this collection of work provides an opportunity to consider the traits and aspects that are both similar and jarringly disparate–from Asia to Africa, to Europe & the Middle East. Throughout the fall of 2020, content will be added to the website to further enrich the project, including virtual conversations between artist-writer pairs, educational packets, a film screening, interactive voicemail and mapping activities, and responsive projects by College of Charleston students. The project is online at Displacements.org through December 12th.
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