Concurrent Solo Exhibitions – Jazmo Hankins & Lucius Nelson

Don’t It Feel Good? is a decadent tromp through the surreal Southern gumbo of late-stage consumer culture, spiritual short-circuiting, and human resilience. Borrowing from the methods and imagery of the Renaissance, Lucius Nelson’s oil paintings bask in the syrupy collision of the high-class and the lowbrow. What emerges is at once beautiful and grotesque. In The Ether & The Innerspace, Jazmo Hankins presents a collection of drawings and paintings that explore the origins of ideas and dreams. Do they come from within or without? Are they transmissions waiting for the right antenna to pick them up, or the result of the human mind digesting all that it absorbs? Some of both? What does the dream machine do during waking hours?
The public is welcome to view exhibitions from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Wednesday-Friday, and Noon-4 p.m. Saturday. The gallery is closed Sunday-Tuesday.