Arts Daily / Call to Artists: Excessive Measures

Call to Artists: Excessive Measures

Dripping. With. Excess… Excessive Measures seeks multi-faceted artworks that explore those times when things go over the line; way over the line. Artwork could be over the top, complex, OCD, gaudy, rude, flashy, grandiose, drastic, primadonna, disproportionately sized, busy, and mouthy, in-your-face, pissed off at the world, overblown. When people say things like “follow best practice,” and use dumbed-down language, does this make you cringe inside? Do you dislike monotony and the status quo? Just know you’re not alone; it’s time to let it all out.

Excessive Measures also encourages works that explore America’s culture of excess, vanity, greed, and extremes.

We accept artwork from any medium*, including Student, Emerging, Mid-Career, and/or Professional Artists.