Arts Daily / Call for Authors: Carolina Placemaking & Identity
Call for Authors: Carolina Placemaking & Identity
North Carolina Humanities and the South Carolina State Library/ South Carolina Center for the Book are seeking published authors and poets of works which explore place making and identity in the Carolinas, to be featured in a limited virtual “author talk” series through summer 2021. Works must have been published within the last year (2020 or 2021) and have connections to North and/ or South Carolina through one or more of the following:
- The author was born/ raised in NC and/or SC
- The author is currently living in NC or SC
- The setting of the work is NC and/or SC
- The work was published in NC and/or SC
Submit completed online form by April 12, 2021.
Presented by The North and South Carolina affiliate Centers for the Book of the Library of Congress.