Tuning Up: $350,000 on its way out

Good morning!

“Tuning Up” is a morning post series where The Hub delivers quick-hit arts stories of interest to readers. Sometimes there will be one story, sometimes there will be several. Get in tune now, and have a masterpiece of a day. And now, in no particular order…

“Tuning Up” is getting in on our advocacy push this week as we lead up to S.C. Arts Advocacy Week and the State House rally and luncheon with legislators, presented by the S.C. Arts Alliance.

Today’s advocacy story hits right in the wallet – in a good way. See this?

Successful S.C. House and Senate veto override votes allowed Arts Commission staff to begin processing $350,000 in additional funds to operating support grantees – and you’re looking at them.

The arts work being done as a result of arts funding – public support of the arts – from the mountains to the coast is phenomenal. Keep telling your stories, and keep helping our state move forward together.