Ebenezer Lutheran Church
Patrons and Friends of the Arts at Ebenezer, Inc., offers an annual series of concerts and events that are open to the public. We are a 501(C 3) non- profit organization and an outreach ministry of Ebenezer Lutheran Church, ELCA..
What We Do… Through the generous support and donations from our patrons and friends, and with the unwavering love and commitment of Ebenezer Lutheran Church, Patrons and Friends of the Arts at Ebenezer, Inc. has…
- Offered over thirty continuous years of artistic performance.
- Hosted over 150 distinctive and artistic presentations comprised of regional, national, and internationally renowned
- Bands
- Benefits
- Choirs
- Festivals
- Instrumentalists
- Military Bands
- Musicals
- Vocalists
- Workshops
In addition to the “Meet the Artist” reception that follows each concert, pre-concert “meet and play with the artist” events – specifically for K-12 students are offered for each performance.