Tuning Up: New Doster sculpture + arts teacher honored
Good morning!
“Tuning Up” is a morning post series where The Hub delivers curated, quick-hit arts stories of interest to readers. Sometimes there will be one story, sometimes there will be several. Get in tune now, and have a masterpiece of a day. And now, in no particular order…
Spartanburg spreads the love. There’s some new public art in Spartanburg with an unmistakable message. I Love You was unveiled yesterday in the city’s Morgan Square. Students from the S.C. School for the Deaf and Blind spent a bit more than a year working with teaching artist Bob Doster, a metal sculptor and 2006 recipient of the Verner Award in the artist category, on the work – the American Sign Language signal for “I love you.” An Arts in Basic Curriculum Project grant from SCAC helped make the collaboration possible.
Speaking of the Verner Award, please see below.
Florence One arts teacher takes home title. Another week, another big win for arts education in the school district: Moore Intermediate School arts teacher Sharri Duncan was named the district’s 2018/2019 teacher of the year. (Last week, the district announced a massive investment in arts education, though the two news items are not related. – Ed.) When presented with her financial prize, Duncan – whose parents were both teachers – pledged to spend it on her students. Congratulations, Sharri!
Evergreen (for now): Time is running out!
Nominations for the Elizabeth O’Neill Verner Governor’s Awards for the Arts (right) are due Thursday, Nov. 8. All it takes to start the process of awarding an artist, arts organization, business or foundation, government entity, individual, or arts educator/institution one of these prestigious awards for significant contributions to the arts in South Carolina is one letter. Don’t wait. Find out more now! (Noms for the Jean Laney Harris Folk Heritage Awards are due at the same time. Here’s info on those.)
- Applications for $5,000 individual artist fellowships are also due Thursday, Nov. 8. Unrestricted awards will honor achievement in visual arts, craft, music composition, and music performance. Don’t miss out!