Tuning Up: Black History event in Anderson, call for short films, etc.
Good morning!
“Tuning Up” is a morning post series where The Hub delivers quick-hit arts stories of interest to readers. Sometimes there will be one story, sometimes there will be several. Get in tune now, and have a masterpiece of a day. And now, in no particular order…
- Tonight at 6 p.m., the Anderson County Library begins the county’s Black History Month celebration with an event highlighting our state’s role in the civil rights movement. To wit: did you know Rosa Parks received training in Columbia? More information here. (The event is sponsored by the Arts Commission.)
- Are you more Halloween than Valentine’s Day? An Arts Commission AVI grantee has a “ghoul” project in the works that you’ll be “goblin” up. (Okay, we’ll stop.) Filmmakers and screenplay writers are invited to help Deathcat Entertainment with “Grave Intentions” – their pun, not ours. Go here for more information.
- More on films: Indie Grits Festival Director Seth Gadsden chatted Indie Grits Labs on the National Endowment for the Arts’ “Art Works” podcast!
- Call for art! Visual Arts Exchange in Raleigh is calling for art from installation artists. Check out The Cube and The Lab for more. Deadline for both spaces appears to be Feb. 15.
- And finally… why we advocate: because through public support of the arts, the S.C. Arts Commission was able to award 342 grants totaling $3.3 million in 42 counties in FY 2017. That’s 73% of our state funding – more than the legislative mandate of 70%.