Tuning Up: A new day at SCAC + Florence 3 arts grant

Good morning! 

“Tuning Up” is a morning post series where The Hub delivers curated, quick-hit arts stories of interest to readers. Sometimes there will be one story, sometimes there will be several. Get in tune now, and have a masterpiece of a day. And now, in no particular order…

You’re forgiven if you thought this feature was lost to the sands of time. It doesn’t look like we’ve had a “Tuning Up” since June. Time to fix that!

  • IT’S A NEW DAY. Last week brought the news that the S.C. Arts Commission wants to serve constituents now based on what you need rather than by where you’re located. Today’s the day the new system is in effect. Callers to the agency will get a new menu of options, and visitors to our website can solicit staff assistance in a new way too.
  • FLORENCE 3 GETS GRANTS FOR ARTS PROJECT. “The Distinguished Art Program grant is for the project ‘Innovate – Creative and Critical Thinking through the Arts.’ More than 3,000 students and 238 teachers will benefit from this grant program.” Go here for the full story on SCNow.com. The grant comes from the S.C. Dept. of Education.
  • KEEP TURNING, DORIAN. At this writing, Hurricane Dorian’s track appears to be continuing its ever-so-gradual shift eastward and away from the S.C. coast. You don’t need The Hub to tell you that’s good news, but we can tell you word’s come in that 2019 Verner Award recipients the Gibbes Museum of Art plus College of Charleston’s Halsey Institute of Contemporary Art—among many others—are closed as the storm makes its way along the coast. The closings are in response to mandatory coastal evacuations. Be safe out there, and definitely be ArtsReady: visit SouthCarolinaArts.com for resources to help you do just that.