Time to dust off that readiness plan

dPlan | ArtsReady from South Arts can help

It took us a while this year, South Carolina, but there’s potential for tropical weather later this week.

Are you #ArtsReady? The Hub has promoted readiness in the past, so you might be familiar with ArtsReady, which was an initiative of our regional partners at South Arts.

Rebuilt in partnership with the Northeast Document Conservation Center, the new dPlan|ArtsReady tool combines the original ArtsReady tool with NEDCC’s dPlan service—to guide arts and cultural organizations through the process of developing an emergency preparedness plan.

What is a readiness plan?

A readiness plan is a combination of documents, processes, and training that formulates what your organization will do should the unexpected occur. It follows an “all-hazards” approach because anything can and may happen to your organization. Creating a readiness plan means making decisions about how you will respond and collecting all the information and documents that you will need—before a crisis hits—so you can respond and get your organization back up and running smoothly. A readiness plan is critical to preserve precious time and energy when seconds matter.

dPlan|ArtsReady takes an “all hazards” approach to planning: focusing on your essential business needs so you will be prepared for any crisis. The tool walks you through a series of modules—Risk Assessment, Action Items, Critical Stuff, Reports, and Guides and Resources—that explore the critical business functions most arts and cultural organizations rely on every day. By working through the tool with your staff and leadership, dPlan|ArtsReady is your one-stop shop to creating a plan and repository of vital information that you can turn to at any time before, during, or after a crisis.

Want to learn more? Performing arts organizations can request a free year of access to begin building readiness plans today!

Please monitor local weather outlets for the latest on potential effects from Ian, and check out SCEMD for additional preparedness tips on their website or social media: @SCEMD.