Sunspot Lit’s 2020 ‘Inception’ contest

Call issued for literary or visual art

Submission deadline: Sept. 30, 2020

Sunspot Lit’s 2020 Inception contest is open to literary and visual artists.


Send your best opening. There are no restrictions on theme, category, or the length of the piece from which the beginning is excerpted. Word limit is 250 for prose, 25 words for poetry. Graphic novel entries should be the first page (unlimited number of panels on that page) with a maximum of 250 words…so, cut the number of panels in order to meet the word count, if needed.


This contest is also now open for artwork. Visual art entries should be the first in a series, the first in a gallery lineup, the first photo in a themed collection, etc. Entries are limited to one image with up to 250 words to describe the series, lineup or collection.

The Contest

Photo by Lukas from Pexels