Staff changes at the S.C. Arts Commission
A familiar face has left the building.
Grants Director Clay Burnette has retired from the South Carolina Arts Commission effective June 30. Burnette joined the commission in 1994 and was promoted to grants director in 2000. Burnette, an accomplished artist, plans to pursue art full-time, exhibiting and teaching. His knowledge of all things grants-related will be missed, as will his generosity and sense of humor.
Grants office staff have restructured their duties based on a team approach. Led by Grants Manager Laurel Posey, the team includes La Ruchala Murphy, assistant grants coordinator, and Cathy Lee, information technology manager. Each team member has specific grants duties in addition to other duties.
Arts Education Program Director Ashley Kerns Brown will serve as coordinator for counties previously served by Burnette: Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Marion, Marlboro, and Williamsburg. In addition, she will serve as the Clarendon County coordinator.
Grantees and grant applicants should continue to contact your assigned coordinator. Organizations, including businesses and educational institutions, should contact your county coordinator. Individual artists and statewide organizations serving specific artistic disciplines should contact your discipline coordinator. For more information about whom to contact, check the Arts Commission Staff Directory, or call (803) 734-8696.