South Arts opens applications for Emerging Leaders of Color

New cycle for development program

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, December 1, 2021

South Arts announced that applications are open for its Emerging Leaders of Color program.

They anticipate finding 18 cultural leader from across their nine-state region to form a cohort and participate in professional development and networking opportunities.

Emerging Leaders of Color (ELC) is a free multi-day professional development program for early- to mid-career arts administrators of color. This partnership program between South Arts and our colleague Regional Arts Organization WESTAF (Western States Arts Federation) provides tools, continued learning opportunities, and a growing professional network to administrators of color who seek to move into leadership positions in the arts and culture sector. This second Southern cohort will build on the success of South Arts’ first cohort and WESTAF’s ELC program which has been attracting, training, networking, and promoting a new generation of diverse arts leaders since 2010.

Here’s a quick video:

ELC promotes representative leadership and equity in the arts by:

  • Building a cohort of cultural leaders of color in the southern United States who are committed to the advancement of the arts.
  • Engaging diverse emerging leaders in coursework and activities designed to strengthen competencies and prepare participants for leadership positions in the field.
  • Providing opportunities for promising arts professionals to establish networks that support their careers.
  • Advocating for the cultural interests of the communities participants represent and serve.
  • Deepening participants’ understanding of the arts in the United States and how public support sustains the vibrancy of the sector.

The second Southern cohort of this program will occur online in late January or early February 2022. At least one participant from each of South Arts’ nine-state region will be chosen to participate, with participation expenses paid. Selected participants will also be invited to join program alumni for continued leadership development.

The faculty has distinct SCAC connections: Joy Young (star of the video above) served at the agency several years until leaving in 2019, and Margie Johnson Reese was a one-time grant panelist who also consulted on the One Columbia cultural plan for Columbia. Basically, The Hub is telling you that selected participants are in impeccable hands.

Applications are due December 1, 2021.