South Arts offers professional development + artistic planning grants

Funding up to $1,000 is available

Hubbard St. Dance Chicago at Spoleto Festival USA

As part of its efforts to advance Southern vitality through the arts, South Arts offers a limited number of Professional Development and Artistic Planning grants to nonprofit performing, visual, media/film, multidisciplinary and literary arts presenting organizations in its nine-state region with support from the National Endowment for the Arts.

South ArtsFunding up to $1,000 is available to support the professional development needs of Southern presenters/programmers/curators, strengthen program design, and increase organizational capacity. For the purposes of these guidelines, “presenters” are defined as organizations that present or host guest artists for engagements in their communities. These grants are very limited and awarded on a first-come/first-served basis, so early submission is encouraged. A dollar-for-dollar cash match is a requirement.

This grant program provides assistance for a wide-range of professional development opportunities supporting resources needed to succeed in the work of presenting. In the past, these grants have been used for:

  • traveling to see the work of artists being considered for future presentations, or to expand the presenters’ knowledge of an artform;
  • participating in a significant professional development opportunity; and
  • hosting an artist planning visit.

All applicants are required to contact Nikki Estes at 404.874.7244 ext. 16 to discuss eligibility prior to submitting an application.

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