SCAC’s accessibility webinar series returning soon

When you know better, you can do better

Fingertips of a woman reading Braille


Everybody who seeks to engage with the arts should be able to experience and enjoy them. However, for those with disabilities, physical and online spaces are often inaccessible and even unwelcoming.

The South Carolina Arts Commission believes that when you know better you can do better. Earlier this year, the SCAC and partners Able South Carolina launched an informative webinar series designed for arts organizations around topics of accessibility for people with disabilities. Able SC is a consumer-controlled, community-based, cross-disability nonprofit that seeks to make South Carolina a national model of equity and inclusion for all people with disabilities.

The series is back for FY25 and begins Wednesday, Sept. 4! From there, it repeats on the first Wednesday of most months into June 2025.

The sessions will run roughly two hours. Representatives from Able SC will be hosts of the webinars, which are designed primarily for arts organizations. SCAC grantees and non-grantees alike are welcome to register and take part.

Visit the accessibility section of to learn dates and further details and to register!

New in FY25: Office hours!

Join Arts & Education Accessibility Director Amanda Noyes to keep the conversation around accessibility in the arts going. Get answers to your lingering questions. Connect with other cultural arts organizations who are also on an accessibility journey. The floor is yours!

  • This series repeats on the third Thursday of each month, piggy-backing on the webinar series topic.
  • The office hour will run 3-4 p.m. on Zoom.
  • Advance registration is required using the links in each webinar description.