SCAC rolls out new open call sessions for #SCartists
Expert knowledge from our in-house experts
The South Carolina Arts Commission is serious about supporting #SCartists.
month week, we will begin rolling out open coaching calls on artist development grants. Presented by Artist Services Director Ce Scott-Fitts and the SCAC’s Grants Team, they will better enable artists to make competitive applications for our competitive grants. The sessions are free, but you must register in advance.
Sept. 24 | Individual Artist Fellowships | 11 a.m.
Zoom session open to artists interested in learning more about fellowships. Information on the difference between fellowships and grants, how to select work samples, the reviews process and the criteria panelists consider when evaluating applications will be discussed.
Register for this session here:
Oct. 15 | Artists’ Ventures Initiatives | 3 p.m.
Zoom session on how AVI grants can be used to support an artistic business venture. Topics include how to determine if the AVI grant supports the goals of the artist, purpose of intent to apply letter, and what to include in the application. Mark Batory, current AVI grantee, will join the conversation to provide additional insight.
Register for this session here: