SCAC opens arts learning position
Instructional specialist position opens
- APPLICATION DEADLINE: Monday, February 26, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. ET
- COMPENSATION INFORMATION: $55,000-$58,000 / FT / State benefits
Today, the SCAC began taking applications for the new instructional specialist position.
The ideal candidate would be an experienced certified K12 teacher (arts or non-arts), instructional coach, or school administrator with a deep understanding of best practices in arts integration and 10 or more years combined professional experience in any of the following areas: arts integration, instructional coach, leading professional learning for teachers, educational administration and leadership.
This position will support the agency in meeting its mission to provide equitable access to the arts and will design, manage, and implement statewide programs for Arts Grow SC.
Here are a few things expected from the person in this position:
- Works with research partners to develop a needs assessment to identify critical areas of student performance on state-level standardized testing in ELA and Math. Uses these results to work with arts and non-arts teachers, curriculum coaches, and administrators.
- Works with school administrators and teachers to determine an appropriate entry point for arts enhancement or arts integration as a strategy for teaching to the depth of the SC College and Career Ready Core Standards.
- Provides leadership and training for SCAC certified teaching artists in connecting their work with standards, evaluation, and already-existing school curricula.
- Conducts assessments of socio-cultural needs in schools and districts, connects learning communities with experts in the field, and provides leadership in appropriate strategies for arts and non-arts teachers, curriculum coaches, and administrators.
- Coaches new and experienced teachers to develop lesson plans, learning objects, and teaching strategies for arts enhancement and arts integration in ELA and math.
- Directs and administers short and long-term planning goals and budget for SCAC assigned programs/projects in accordance with agency mission, values, and strategic plan.
- Supervises and evaluates work of part-time Project Managers for Arts Grow SC programs.
- Evaluates effectiveness of existing arts integrated curricula and assessments.
- Facilitates group processes, including seminars, professional learning opportunities, & other learning and community-building experiences, both in person and online.
- Builds and maintains relationships among a broad cross section of schools, school districts, and state-level leaders to support SCAC programs and Arts Grow SC partners.
- Represents SCAC at local, statewide, and national cultural activities, meetings, and conferences.
To view the complete set of expectations, learn more about this position, and even apply, visit the jobs page at