SCAC calls ‘open season’ on fellowships, awards

We at the S.C. Arts Commission play nice with, if not actually like, all our fellow state agencies. But with all due respect to our S.C. Department of Natural Resources friends across the street in the Dennis Building, today we’re calling “open season.”

That’s because Aug. 8 marks the opening up of applications for individual artist fellowship grants and nominations for South Carolina’s top arts awards: the Elizabeth O’Neill Verner Governor’s Awards for the Arts and the Jean Laney Harris Folk Heritage Awards.

You might ask, “Why today?” to which we’ll reply, “Shhh, we’re hunting wabbit”  “it just happened that way.” Regardless, read below for information on what’s open – and when it closes.


Elizabeth O’Neill Verner Governor’s Awards for the Arts

These annual awards honor South Carolina arts organizations, patrons, artists, members of the business community, and government entities who maximize their roles as innovators, supporters and advocates of the arts.

Jean Laney Harris Folk Heritage Awards

Also presented annually, these awards honor practitioners and advocates of traditional arts significant to communities throughout the state. Up to four artists and one advocate may receive awards each year. These awards are in partnership with the University of South Carolina’s McKissick Museum.


Fellowships recognize and reward the artistic achievements of South Carolina’s exceptional individual artists. Fellowship awards of $5,000 are made through a highly competitive, anonymous process and are based on artistic excellence only. The fellowship awards bring recognition that may open doors to other resources and employment opportunities. (There is a long list of accomplished fellowship recipients here.)

Applications are now open for FY2020. The disciplines in the rotation are:

  • Visual Arts
  • Craft
  • Music: Composition
  • Music: Performance

Each category will have one recipient if enough applications are received.

Please contact the appropriate S.C. Arts Commission discipline coordinator for guidance regarding eligibility and restrictions:

  • Visual Arts and Craft: Harriett Green (email | 803.734.8762)
  • Music: Compostion and Performance: Joy Young (email | 803.734.8203)

Only online applications will be accepted. For additional information and/or assistance, please contact LaRuchala Murphy at the SCAC via email or by calling 803.734.8680.

Image is © Warner Brothers