S.C. African American Heritage conference features Jonathan Green

South Carolina artist Jonathan Green will headline the annual conference of the South Carolina African American Heritage Commission in Columbia on Friday, March 28, at the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.
Green, widely known for his bold, colorful paintings depicting Gullah life in the South Carolina Lowcountry where he grew up, will be the keynote speaker for the conference’s awards ceremony. Two signed posters of his paintings will be up for auction.
This year’s conference theme is “Exploring African American History Through the Arts.” Presentations include building arts education into today’s education curricula, capturing family stories using visual and media arts, and preserving a community’s history.
The day will end with a performance by the Concert Choir of Benedict College demonstrating the evolution of spiritual music from chants and shape notes to hymns and contemporary gospel.
The conference runs from 9 a.m. — 5 p.m. and is open to the public. Registration is $50. Find more information or register online.
Image: Jonathan Green, Sea Swing
Via: South Carolina African American Heritage Commission