Looming deadlines for major art calls

Get ’em in, #SCartists!

  • 1858 Prize DEADLINE: Sunday, October 31, 2021
  • ArtFields DEADLINE: Monday, November 1, 2021

There are big prizes up for grabs in the South Carolina arts scene. Are you going for them?

ArtFields, operating out of Lake City in southern Florence County, is accepting submissions for its historic tenth year. ArtFields offers a unique combination of competition and celebration for Southeastern artists, so fittingly this call is open to artists 18 and older practicing in all media from 12 Southeastern states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Lo,\uisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.

This is an opportunity for part of $100,000 in cash prizes during the 2022 event taking place April 22-30.

Accepted artwork is displayed all around our downtown—in spaces like boutiques, restaurants, barbershops, and more—to create a town-wide gallery.

If you’re unaware, click here to explore what ArtFields is all about and how you can be part of it. The submission deadline is Monday, Nov. 1.

Not terribly far from Lake City as the crow flies is the South Carolina Lowcountry. The Charleston-based 1858 Society of the Gibbes Museum of Art has a call out for contemporary art. Artists from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia are eligible to apply. The winning artist receives $10,000 for work that contributes to a new understanding of art in the South.

In addition to the monetary award, artwork will be chosen by the Gibbes Curatorial Team, in collaboration with the artist, for display in the Mary Jackson Modern and Contemporary Galleries for the duration of 2022. Their submission deadline is one day earlier on Sunday, Oct. 31. Find out more about the 1858 Prize here.