Hub E-Vents: April 24

You want art. You crave art.

#SCartists and arts organizations want to fill that void.

They live for that. It’s a calling.

Yet in times of social distancing, that’s hard to do. Through the wonders of modern technology, many are trying and succeeding. So while we’re all staying home to protect vulnerable family, friends, and neighbors,  The Hub is stepping up to fill the void between artists and arts lovers. (Learn more about Hub E-vents here.)

Here are some events is THE event for today

ArtFields. Is. All. Online. Here’s a word from them:

As you know, the coronavirus has altered our plans for ArtFields 2020. What hasn’t changed is our commitment to elevating and celebrating Southern art and, right now, that starts with you.

On Friday, April 24th, the day we would normally kick off ArtFields with a ribbon-cutting and a welcoming of artists and art lovers to Lake City, we will be releasing this year’s selected artwork to our website. Our 2020 artists are truly phenomenal and we can’t wait for you all to see this wonderful body of work. You’ll be able to enjoy artwork from artists across the 12 Southeastern states, plus the accepted work for our South Carolina student artists in ArtFields Jr. 

Here’s how we’d like you to join in on the fun and recognize our 2020 artists on this special day:

    • Once the gallery is launched, take a look and share works that inspire and move you with the hashtag #ArtFieldsAtHome.
    • Past competitors and attendees to our event, we’d love for you to share your favorite ArtFields memories with the hashtag #ArtFieldsAtHome.
    • Get creative and share the ways that you’re kicking off #ArtFieldsAtHome. Are you going to create some art of your own? Explore your own home like a gallery? Whatever it is, we’d love to see it!

Share your posts with the hashtag #ArtFieldsAtHome and be sure to tag us between April 24th – 26th for a chance to win some fun ArtFields goodies!

Have a great weekend!