Fellowship offers natural disaster relief for visual artists

Four-week Byrdcliffe Artist Residency in Woodstock, New York

Application deadline: Sunday, March 1, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. ET

The Byrdcliffe Art Community has received a generous grant from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation for visual artists living/working in North America (including Mexico and Puerto Rico) who have been displaced or otherwise affected by a natural disaster. The Pollock-Krasner grant will offer a full fellowship and stipends to attend the four-week residency in Woodstock, New York in Summer 2020 for up to 4 selected visual artists. The grant will cover all fees plus provide a stipend up to $500 to assist with travel to and from the residency and an additional materials reimbursement up to $500 to help compensate for lost and damaged materials. Eligible disciplines include painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, weaving, ceramics, and other visual media.

2020 Session Dates

  • Session 1: Thurs, May 28 to Mon, June 22
  • Session 2: Thurs, June 25 to Mon, July 20
  • Session 3: Thurs, Aug. 6 to Mon, Aug. 31
  • Session 4: Thurs, Sept. 3 to Mon, Sept. 29

Deadline: Sunday, March 1, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. ET. However, if extensions are needed due to travel, limited internet access, etc. please let us know. Extensions can be provided on a case-by-case basis.

Visit http://bit.ly/relief-byrd for more info and to apply. Please email us at air@woodstockguild.org with any questions or concerns.