COVID-19 and the arts in South Carolina

A response resource for S.C.’s creative communities

Artists and arts organizations in South Carolina will be affected by the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19, the 2019 Novel Coronavirus.

Beyond reminding you to wash your hands (see more about that flier by an #SCartists below), the S.C. Arts Commission is going to leave the science to scientists and public health practitioners, but we can be a resource for the creative communities we serve. Our goal is to provide information that can enable our constituents to be ready for “What if…?” And let’s face it—there’s a lot of that right now.

Ed. note; 13 March 2020, 16:00 ET

The SCAC apologizes for the extra click, but because of the significant need for this content to be “living,” we are now directing you to the COVID-19 resources page on which we are updating frequently.

Click here to access updated resources for creative communities compiled by the SCAC.